Thursday, September 16, 2010

a little rest

A truly wonderful, blissful day for all of us yesterday.  I day full of firsts and new experiences and friends.  It was wonderful to see the smiles on the faces of my young children as they venture out to explore new areas.  They had both talked about this day for a long time, especially Simon with his new adventure at day camp by himself without his big sister or parents.  Clara picked out her outfit for the play right away, even before I had taken a seat on the floor.  My heart warms to watch them so confident, so happy, their day filled with what they love.  The flip side, as there often seems to be one with me, is that I worry..."are we too busy right now?"  And, when we are just "being" I worry that we aren't busy enough.  Perhaps I should just take the example of my children and just be happy with the present, breathe in all of the joy and let it become me, trusting that we already have what we need...and if we don't we will find it. 

So, I allowed myself to be reintroduced to the "nap" yesterday AND today while my children were "baby cheetahs" laying with me and playing around me while "mama cheetah" protected them.  Harmony and balance are wonderful things. 

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