Thursday, September 23, 2010

Car Ride Conversations

Car trips seem to be a part of our life, and not just short trips to the library or social events but LONG trips of 2 or more hours one way.  Of course, at times they are stressful, but often they are quite interesting and the members of our family entertain themselves quite easily.  There are always backpacks full of sketch books, our favorite Lyra colored pencils, and the odd toy that hasn't been played with in a while.  There is always a huge back of books placed in the middle of all the kids, for easy reaching.  Usually the books are new library books, scattered with a few old favorites.  There used to be fun music CDs, until the CD player in the car was accidentally broken.  Now we sing our own songs, making up many as well.  We now play 20 Questions frequently as well, and that doesn't include the questions that Simon fires at us from the moment we buckle our seat belts.

The most interesting parts of our trips, however, are usually the conversations.  Some examples of recent include discussions of cloud patterns, testosterone, how rainbow colors form (using sketch books and colored pencils), death, role playing how the kids might feel and respond in tough situations with other kids, and what each of us might be doing in 8 years (Ruthie will be diving out of airplanes while enjoying kale salad, and Simon will be running on teams and eating ice cream for 3 meals a day.  Clara will be living in Spain...oh wait, Davenport as a swimming instructor).

The Lippert car trips...always interesting.  

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