Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dinner Theatre

Plays are the theme at our house these days!  Todd and I have been blessed with theatre after our dinner a few times this week.  All three children participated, decided on the basic play, put together creative costumes, memorized lines and actions, rehearsed, and then invited us to the performance.  The prep and rehearsals were really just as exciting as the performance with all the whispering about ideas for lines and positioning, giggles as they find the perfect costumes, and the overall change in their demeanor and language once they are in character.  And all of this was THEIR idea, with no prompting from their mother!

The first this week was "The Spider and The Fly."  This is Clara playing the role of the spider.

Here are Ruthie and Simon playing the role of the flies.  In this photo they have been caught in the spider's web.

Here are the three performers taking a bow

The performance the other night was "The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth."  This one consisted of more elaborate lines, and the highlight was the "spinning Earth." Clara changed out of her more delicate moon costume and into one of Todd's shirts just prior to the performance due to inclimate weather inside the house. Simon chose bright sun colors, and Ruthie sported blue jeans with a vine growing up the side, a green shirt with a monkey and a blue silk cape for the water of the world.

Here is Clara as "The Moon," Simon as "The Sun," and Ruthie as "The Earth" following their performance.

Currently, they are working on another one.  I cannot wait to listen to the process and experience the end result!

 "All the world is a stage, and we are merely the actors."
 --William Shakespeare
 (during the time of Queen Elizabeth I, of course!)

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